Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hello Sailor

As of late, I have become more fascinated by all things nautical. I don't know if it's the fads that have been going on, being influenced by my friends in the tattoo community, or the fact that I am itching to move to Portland, Maine.
Regardless, this bag is absolutely adorable!

Not only that, it is registered in a free giveaway at The Rikrak Studio. It's insanely easy to enter to win, and the winner is picked by random number generator..wish me luck!


  1. Rotsa ruck over at rikrak.haha couldn't help it.

  2. I love nautical stuff, too! I see you just started your blog. I'm looking forward to reading more from you! Thanks for putting my blog button on your sidebar!

    - Queen of the Clan (Danyelle)
